To make the Greatest Difference to those in the Greatest Need
We will make the greatest difference through developing bespoke impactful programmes in the following 5 areas:
Education is the key to unlocking individual potential. It promotes confidence and is vital in securing employment. We believe in developing and encouraging each person that we work with to achieve their full potential creating a lasting social impact.
A job will positively impact your household income. A good job can be life- changing – building confidence, self worth; whilst helping the culture and economy overall.
Save the Environment, Save Energy, Save Money. We will develop Net Zero partnerships and programmes targeted at those most in need, to help them reduce their energy usage, save them money; which in turn – will reduce the harmful effects of carbon emissions on the planet.
We aim to improve the physical and mental health of those in greatest need. As we identify need; we will develop and deliver effective family and children’s services; adventure activity programmes, training campaigns; and bring all our other services as a means to delivering real significant change.
Through effective employment support; net zero installation and advice programmes; household budgeting initiatives; and the provision of emergency relief for those most in need; we will help our customers to better manage your household bills – reduce costs and increase income.
We are a registered Social Enterprise; a not-for-profit charitable organisation, a private company limited by guarantee, reporting to a Management Board consisting of Non-Executive Directors and Advisers.
Bryson Pathways was originally established in 1995 with a remit to tackle Climate Change and assist with the reduction of energy use and reflect local area energy issues. Since then we have grown and expanded our remit to make the greatest difference targeted to those in greatest need in the following seven areas:
- Skills Based Training
- Employability
- Net Zero and Home SafetyÂ
- Arts & Play
- Activities & Events
- Community Led Root Cause
- Children’s Service

Employment Programme:
In Sept23, Mrs S was referred via her work coach at the Jobs Benefits Office. She had been economically inactive for 5 years and struggled with confidence and not knowing how to begin her journey to gaining meaningful employment.
After meeting with an Employment Navigator, she attended some confidence sessions and it transpired that she was interested in gaining her SIA badge to work in security.
Our team liaised with the local community groups to identify a suitable venue. The course was local to her in Lisburn to ensure accessibility. She noted completion of the course increased her confidence further and once she received her badge, she was invited to an employer open day. This was organised between Bryson and G4S. Mrs S was supported with interview preparation and was interviewed on the day and was successful in gaining employment with G4S.
She is delighted with the impact that this project has had on her and her family’s life.
If you would like to discuss funding, donating to, or working with us to develop new initiatives to help reduce fuel poverty and deliver positive social impact to households across Northern Ireland, please contact us.Â