Children’s Services

Your Pathway to ensuring the best start in life for every child

Family Support

Bryson Family Support Service is an outreach home visiting service for parents with children 0-18 years of age who reside within the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust or South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust and have a Family & Child Care Social Worker.
For more information please contact us as below: Belfast:

Belfast Intensive:
Ards & North Down:

Sure Start

Lisburn and Bangor Sure Start aim to deliver “the best start in life” for every child. They offer a range of free programmes and services for all families with a child aged under four. All services are offered either in your own home or at one of Lisburn or Bangor Sure Start premises and include early education and play, health and family support.
For more information please contact us as below:

Lisburn Sure Start: 02892 672292 or email:
Bangor Sure Start: 028 9145 7248 or email:

Traveller Support
Our Floating Support Service is Traveller specific. We offer advice, support and guidance on all aspects of homelessness and tenancy sustainment. Our support is designed to enable Travellers to find appropriate accomodation, maintain tenancies and independence. We have staff to support you located in Belfast and Derry.

For more information, please email